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73 Years Of Service Done Right

Knapiks Marine
Of Schenectady

1886 Duanesburg Rd.
Duanesburg, N.Y. 12056

Spring Start-up Special!

Get your boat ready for 2025 the right way with a Knapik's Marine exclusive Spring Start-up and 20 Point Check Over.

Includes our FREE battery load capacity test.
Know the condition of your battery before you go.

Our exclusive Spring Start-up and 20 Point Check List was developed by Knapik's Marine to assure your boat has been expertly checked over and is ready to go boating. Here are just a few of the items we do that are on our extensive Spring Start-up list.

Charge battery.
Load test battery.
Inflate tires to proper psi.
Check trailer lights.
Inspect winch and lubricate.
Inspect tongue jack.
Check navigation lights.
Check gauge operation.
Check electrical.
Inspect engine and components.
Inspect for water, gas and oil leaks.
Test run engine.
Check engine for proper operation and running temperature.

And the list goes on to check and lubricate (30) individual items. Developed over the years exclusively by Knapik's Marine and updated yearly to offer our customers the best in a spring start-up. Pricing covers everything in our Spring Start-up. No surprise fees.

Small outboard utility boats. $139
Runabouts and pontoons. $179
Cruisers $229

Call 518-842-8140 for an appointment.
Or text 518-212-7092.
Or book online on our Service page.

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